The process of trademark registration in Indore involves several key steps:
Step 1: Trademark Search
Before applying for registration, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive trademark search to ensure that your desired mark is not already in use. This can be done through the official Intellectual Property India website or by consulting with a trademark attorney.
Step 2: Prepare Application
Once you confirm that your trademark is unique, the next step is to prepare the application. This typically includes filling out Form TM-A and providing necessary documents such as:
- Power of Attorney
- Company Registration Certificate (if applicable)
- Scanned logo
- Identity and address proof of the applicant
- User Affidavit
- MSME Registration Certificate (if applicable)
Step 3: Filing the Application
The application can be filed online through the Intellectual Property India portal or manually at the Trademark Registry office. The fee for filing varies depending on the type of applicant:
- ₹4,500 for individuals/start-ups/small enterprises (online)
- ₹5,000 for individuals/start-ups/small enterprises (manual)
- ₹9,000 for other applicants (online)
- ₹10,000 for other applicants (manual)
Step 4: Examination of Application
After filing, the trademark authorities will examine your application. If there are any objections or issues with your application, you will receive an examination report detailing these concerns. You must respond to any objections within 30 days.
Step 5: Publication
If your application passes examination without objections, it will be published in the Trademark Journal. This publication allows third parties to oppose the registration if they believe it infringes on their existing trademarks.
Step 6: Registration Certificate
If no oppositions are filed within the stipulated time frame, or if any oppositions are resolved in your favor, you will receive a registration certificate. This certificate grants you exclusive rights to use your trademark.