Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration

Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration is a crucial legal requirement for businesses operating in Orissa. This registration serves as proof that a business entity exists and operates within the state’s regulatory framework.  Register your Shop and Commercial Establishment in India to avoid penalty.

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    Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration

    Are you looking to start a business in Orissa? One of the first steps you need to take is to register your shop or establishment. This process is essential for any business operating in the state to ensure compliance with the law. In this article, we will walk you through the process of Orissa Shop and Establishment Registration, providing you with all the information you need to get started.

    What is Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration?

    Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration is a mandatory process for all businesses operating in the state. It is governed by the Orissa Shops and Establishments Act, which aims to regulate the working conditions of employees and ensure their rights are protected. This registration is required for all shops, commercial establishments, and businesses with employees in Orissa.

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    Why is it important to register your shop or establishment?

    Registering your shop or establishment is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it is a legal requirement in Orissa, and failing to do so can result in penalties or fines. Additionally, having a valid registration certificate can help build trust with customers and suppliers, as it shows that your business is legitimate and operates in compliance with the law.

    Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration Fees

    Apply for Shop and Establishment Registration

    • Documents preparation
    • Application Filing
    • Issuance of Gumasta License

    Govt Fee for Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration

    The following fees will be determined based on the number of workers working in the shop:

    • 1-9  employees – Rs.169/- 
    • 10-19 employees – Rs.450/-
    • 20 and more employees – Rs.675/-

    Documents Required for Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration

    1. Applicant PAN card 
    2. Applicant Adhaar Card 
    3. Applicant Photograph
    4. Applicant Signature Signature
    5. Business address Proof – Rent agreement – if rented or electricity bill 
    6. Sign board of office in Odia Language
    7. MOA, Pan card , partnership Deed , LLP Agreeement
    8. Authorisation letter – if any 
    9. Number of Male and Female Employees (with name) 
    10. Week day off 
    11. Opening and closing hours of office or shop 
    12. Establishment Detail – District, nearest Landmark, ULB Number (Urban Local Bodies) 
    13. Date of Commencement of Business 

    Estimated date of issue of certificate

    In Odisha Shop and Establishment Certificate will get issued within 7 day after filing of application, however govt commit time of 15 day. 

    How to obtain a Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration?

    The process of registering your shop or establishment in Odisha is relatively simple. Here are the steps you need to follow:

    1. Online Application Filing

    After Receieving Order from Customer Side our Team will file Shop and Establishment Form online to Concern Labour Departmenta and wil upload all required documents. 

    2. Verification

    Once your application is submitted, a verification process will be conducted by the authorities.

    3 issuance of Certificate

    Upon successful verification, you will receive a registration certificate.

    Benefits of Odisha Shop and Establishment Registration

    Legal Compliance:

     Registering your shop or establishment ensures that you are operating within the legal framework set by the government.


     Registration lends credibility to your business and can help build trust with customers and partners.

    Ease of Transactions:

     Registered businesses find it easier to conduct transactions with other businesses and government authorities.

    Employee Rights:

     Registration ensures that your employees’ rights are protected under the Shops and Establishments Act.

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    Apply for Shop and Establishment Registration certificate.Consult our Professionals Today!
