Trademark Registration in Gurugram

Protect your brand by trademark registration in Gurugram. Enjoy exclusive rights over your logo and brand identity with a simple online application process. Our expert team ensures compliance and fast filing, helping you secure your trademark efficiently and affordably. Start today!

Pricing Summary

(Professional Fee ₹ 1999 + Govt Fee:₹4500)
  • Trademark Availability Search
  • Trademark Registration Under One Class

Trademark Registration in Gurugram - Introduction

Trademark registration is a crucial step for businesses in Gurugram, Haryana, looking to protect their brand identity and ensure exclusive rights to their trademarks. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on the trademark registration process, its benefits, and essential requirements.

Understanding Trademark Registration

Trademark registration grants legal protection to your brand’s unique identifiers, such as logos, names, and slogans. This exclusivity prevents unauthorized use by others, safeguarding your brand’s reputation and market position. In India, the process is governed by the Trademark Act of 1999.

trademark registration in gurugram

Trademark Registration Fees In Gurugram

(Professional Fee ₹ 1999 + Govt Fee:₹4500)

  • Trademark Availability Search
  • Drafting of User Affidavit
  • Filing of Trademark Application

Documents Require for Trademark Registration in Gurugram

Process of Trademark Registration in Gurugram

Step 1: Choose a Unique Trademark

Select a distinctive name or logo that represents your business. Ensure it does not conflict with existing trademarks by conducting a thorough search.

Step 2: Conduct a Trademark Search

Utilize the online trademark registry to check for similar existing trademarks. This step is vital to avoid potential objections during the registration process.

Step 3: Prepare Required Documents

Gather the necessary documents, which typically include:

  • PAN Card and address proof of the applicant
  • Certificate of incorporation (if applicable)
  • Business logo
  • Form TM-48 (authorization form)
  • User affidavit (if applicable)

Step 4: File the Application

Submit your trademark application through the appropriate channels. This can often be done online, and you will need to pay the prescribed government fee based on your business type.

Step 5: Application Examination

Once filed, the application undergoes examination by the trademark registry. If there are no objections, your trademark will be published in the Trademark Journal.

Step 6: Respond to Objections (if any)

If objections arise, you must respond within 30 days. A hearing may be scheduled if necessary.

Step 7: Obtain Registration

If approved, you will receive a trademark registration certificate valid for ten years, renewable indefinitely.

Validity and Renewal of Trademark

A registered trademark is valid for ten years from the date of application. It is essential to file for renewal six months before expiration to maintain protection.


Trademark registration in Gurugram is a strategic move for businesses aiming to secure their brand identity and enhance market presence. By following the outlined steps and understanding the requirements, businesses can navigate this process effectively. For assistance, consider consulting with professionals who specialize in trademark registration to ensure a smooth experience.

Protect Your Brand Today: Trademark Registration in Gurugram

Secure exclusive rights to your brand! Register your trademark in Gurugram now to prevent unauthorized use and enhance your market presence. Contact us for a seamless registration process!

FAQ for Trademark Registration in Gurugram

1. What is a trademark?

A trademark is a unique symbol, logo, name, or slogan that identifies and distinguishes a brand’s products or services from others in the market.

2. Why should I register a trademark?

Registering a trademark provides legal protection, exclusive rights to use the mark, enhances brand recognition, and prevents unauthorized use by others.

3. What is the process for trademark registration in Gurugram?

The process involves:

  1. Choosing a unique trade name and class.
  2. Conducting a trademark search for availability.
  3. Filing the application with necessary documents.
  4. Responding to any objections and obtaining registration.

4. What documents are required for registration?

Key documents include:

  • PAN Card and address proof of the applicant.
  • Logo or brand name.
  • User affidavit (if applicable).
  • Form TM-48 (authorization form).

5. How long does the registration process take?

The entire trademark registration process typically takes about 15 to 18 months, depending on various factors including government processing times.

6. How long is a registered trademark valid?

A registered trademark is valid for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely after each period.

7. What are the fees for trademark registration?

The registration fee is ₹4,500 for individuals and small enterprises, while it is ₹10,000 for other entities. Renewal fees are similarly structured.

8. Can I register multiple trademarks in one application?

No, each trademark must be registered under a separate application, especially if they fall under different classes.

9. What if my application faces objections?

If objections arise, you must respond within 30 days. A hearing may be scheduled if necessary.

10. How can I check the status of my application?

You can check the status of your trademark application online through the official Trademark Registry website.