Advisory for Online Compliance Pertaining to ITC mismatch -

Difference in Input Tax Credit (ITC) available in GSTR-2B & ITC claimed in the GSTR-R3B
DATED :14/11/202
Dear Taxpayers,
1. It is informed that GSTN has developed a functionality to generate automated intimation in Form GST DRC-01C which enables the taxpayer to explain the difference in Input tax credit available in GSTR-2B statement & ITC claimed in GSTR-3B return online as directed by the GST Council. This feature is now live on the GST portal.
2. This functionality compares the ITC declared in GSTR-3B/3BQ with the ITC available in GSTR-2B/2BQ for each return period. If the claimed ITC in GSTR 3B exceeds the available ITC in GSTR-2B by a predefined limit or the percentage difference exceeds the configurable threshold, taxpayer will receive an intimation in the form of DRC-01C.
3. Upon receiving an intimation, the taxpayer must file a response using Form DRC-01C Part B. The taxpayer has the option to either provide details of the payment made to settle the difference using Form DRC-03, or provide an explanation for the difference, or even choose a combination of both options.
4. In case, no response is filed by the impacted taxpayers in Form DRC-01C Part B, such taxpayers will not be able to file their subsequent period GSTR-1/IFF.